Monday, April 30, 2007
Fastest Texter - Sayings from Dublin Taxi Drivers!!!
As featured on Fastest texter on GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST - The top 20 things you're likely to hear a Dublin taxi drvier saying
1: GPS system me hole.. I know these streets better than i know me missus
2: Where are ya going... Clondalkin? Sorry i'm finished up for the night..
3: The current government are a shower of crooks.. the fare will be 35euro please
4: I'm going to have to charge ya an extra 50cent for that handbag under your arm missus..
5: Those Hackney drivers are all a shower of bastards
6: Yes I DO own the road - whats yisser problem?
7: Just because me roof light is on doesn't mean I'm picking up
8: You puke on me leather seats its gonna cost ya bud
9: Do I work weekend nights? Of course i dont - I'm a taxi driver...
10: I'm not a taxi driver - I'm a highly skilled professional chauffeur
11: This business has gone down the swany since deregulation.... blah blah blah
12: The taxi regulator is a right old bo**ox
13: I never listen to that twat Adrian Kennedy.. He's always slagging us off..
14: Lets go on strike... again...
15: There's no money in this taxi game.. what do ya think of me new mercedes?
16: Of course i like working late nights... have you seen me missus?
17: Moan Moan nag nag whinge whinge.....
18: Coolock to the airport? that'll be 40euro please..
19: Its very quiet out tonight.. I Havent got a pot to piss in..
20: Do I know the way to Crumlin? I know the long way!!!!