Wednesday, January 31, 2007
FASTEST TEXTER - 1988 Evening Herald Classified's
Monday, January 29, 2007
FASTEST TEXTER: Top 10 things Dublin Doormen Say!!!

Ever been stopped by a bouncer on the door of a Dublin pub or club. Here's the Top 10 things the monkey's in suits have been heard to say:
1: "Go ahead on in girls yer all lookin' well....piss off lads it's regulars only!!!"
2: "I don't know your face and even if i did you wouldn't be getting in!!!"
3: "If you don't step away from the door I'll put your bleedin' head through it"
4: "OK folks you know we're going to ask for them, so have yizzer I.D.'s ready!!!"
5: "Of course that's not a wedding ring on my finger giz a wear and I'll let you in for free!!!"
6: "Where are yiz from lads? Ballyfermot? Sorry we're full!!!"
7: "Are you trying to tell me that I.D. is real? I may be a bouncer, but I'm not thick??"
8: "I don't know how that customer ended up with a broken arm...he musta fell down the stairs on his own!!!"
9: "I'm not a bouncer...I'm fully trained security personnel!!!"
10: "Are you carrying drugs into my club bud? No? OK, here's some for you and your mates!!"
Thursday, January 25, 2007
23rd - 26th Jan on The Phoneshow

Tuesday 23rd January: Calling a Black man "Coloured" led to one of our listeners being sacked from work for being racist.
On the show we learned from Black listeners that they do indeed deem the term "coloured" as a racist term...and would prefer to be referred to as simply black.
We heard from ethnic minorities that racism in Ireland is alive and well, but much of it is just ignorance, rather than hatred.

Wednesday 24th January: Is Garda Brutality in holding cells as widespread as regular calls to our show would suggest. We received hundreds of calls from listeners claiming to have been assaulted by members in the force "for no reason" after being arrested.
Many callers argued that such beatings don't happen "without a good reason" and that people bring it on themselves.
It was pointed out that there are complaint procedures available for people who claim to have suffered abuse at the hands of Gardai.
You can contact Garda Síochána Complaints Board, Block 1, 5th Floor,
Irish Life Centre, Dublin 1. Tel: (01) 872 8666

Last Week on The Phoneshow

Thursday 18th Jan: After a discussion about weird names for Chinese restaurants in Ireland we discovered the ultimate - that there's a Chinese Restaurant in Lake City Florida called "Fu King". We rang the place live on air and a man did indeed answer "Good Evening - Fu King". We asked the owner if he has "Fu King Duck on the menu"...without realising we were taking the mick he answered "Yes...our Fu King Duck is very good"!
We wondered whether or not this poor restaurant is a constant source of ridicule...but apparently not? Must be our childish Irish mentality that finds the name of this place funny!!!???

We spoke to one "dognapper" who keeps the dogs in a kennel in his back garden until their owners pay the 'ransom'. On one occasion when the owner didn't pay up he just set the mutt free in the Dublin mountains.
Be warned to keep an eye on your dog and don't leave it alone in your back garden.

Many parents claimed there are absolutely no advantages to be gained for children watching WWE -because all they learn is a tolerance for violence from their "heroes". Other parents argued that it's merely fun entertainment which causes no harm?